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Correcting Slanderous Claims Being Spread Online

Writer's picture: Hoylake Beach CommunityHoylake Beach Community

I see that poison is still being spread on social media about the proposed Hoylake beach compromise, and the aims of our pro-sand lobby are still being twisted.

Certain individuals within the pro-grassing lobby appear to think it is OK to twist truths, or just tell lies about a complex and contentious issue. They have little knowledge of the beach, the area and the associated multifaceted arguments surrounding this problem.

They continually attempt to push us onto the back foot by the malicious use of statements implying that we are politically motivated, nature hating environmental vandals, full of bluster, with no intelligence.

We all know that this is obviously not the case, but this prejudice needs to be addressed and countered head on when they are spewed out.

We are not a politically motivated group, and no particular political grouping is dominant. A whole spectrum of political viewpoints are expressed by the members of our group.

We are not ‘nature haters’. The majority of the people in our community are nature lovers, with specialties including ornithology, botany, biology, as well as the life sciences in general. We also have artists and authors in our midst. All of these people study nature for the love of it, and could never be accused of being environmental vandals.

We are not ignorant. We are made up of a community of people with all manor of academic, business and life experiences that makes for a fully rounded knowledge base.

No one, particularly this group, is advocating the use of herbicides on Hoylake beach, end of.

Our proposed management compromise for Hoylake beach includes the inclusion an amenity beach within the whole of the beach, leaving the majority of the beach to vegetate.

We are not advocating the destruction of the proposed new habitat, which is only 2 years into development, just management of its growth and coverage. This would then allow the protection of the centuries old pre-existing internationally recognised habitat for birds found at Hoylake.

Indeed, all of the protected areas (SSSI. Ramsar, etc) that we are constantly reminded of were only put in place in Hoylake to cover the ornithological (wading bird) importance of the area.

We are constantly told that the ‘new’ habitat being generated is rare. This might be the case, but only because this habitat is transient, and is only present during dune formation. Once dunes are formed the ‘rare’ habitat will disappear.

As for diversity of habitats, we are forever being told by the pro-grass/pro-dune people that any dunes that form at Hoylake will develop in the same way as those on the Sefton coast and at Talacre.

So, we lose a Sandy beach habitat in order to replicate the huge areas of habitat that surround it. This surely constitutes a decrease in habitat diversity, not an increase, as some would have us believe.

By this argument we should be encouraging the active preservation of a disappearing, endangered habitat, that of Sandy beach, and not encouraging replication of already common habitat.

Just one last thing about dunes... Hoylake (and it’s Sandy beach) has a long standing and strong relationship with the RNLI, and any move to disrupt this relationship would be contemptible. If any dunes were to form on the beach, man made breaches in these dunes would have to be made and maintained in order to facilitate lifeboat and hovercraft launch and retrieval.

The continual presence of these breaches would make a mockery of any claim that dunes formed would act as a flood defence, and have a effect on climate change induced flooding.

“This habitat is so rare in Britain, that Hoylake beach is equivalent to an area of ancient woodland the size of Wiltshire…” quote from Chris Packham.

Well, Mr. Packham, Sand dunes and salt marshes are not rare in this part of the coast and proto-dune habitats are, by their very nature, transient.

Also, our suggested compromise would affect less than 10% of the total area of Hoylake beach, so, according to your statement, we would be ‘saving’ an area equivalent to ancient woodland the size of over 90% of Wiltshire ………..that’s not bad for a small town is it Mr. Packham!

Surely our compromise is just plain common sense, and provides all concerned with a win win situation?


The Public Consultation is taking place now. If you are reading this, please, take a moment to click on the link HERE and complete the form. It doesn’t take long.

We have been campaigning for a compromise for so long. Now is the time… so get your Mum, Dad, Gran, cousin, friends, colleagues, anyone you know to spend a few minutes to complete the consultation questionnaire and / or attend the consultation meetings*… only together can we make a difference.

Paper Copies from Hoylake & West Kirby Libraries

West Kirby Library Open 6 days a week 9am to 5pm (closes 1-2pm for lunch)

Hoylake Library Monday 9am - 5pm (closes 1-2pm for lunch)

Saturday 9am - 1pm

The Potting Shed on Market Street has consultation questionnaires available for you to collect & complete. They have also kindly offered to receive completed forms and return to the council. Please return in a sealed envelope.

* WBC will have officers at Hoylake Community Centre for residents and business owners to ask questions about the beach, these take place next week from 11am to 7pm. No need to book a slot, you can just turn up.

Dates: Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th July.

:: Please note, Hoylake Beach Community did NOT put any candidates forward in the last local election, THIS IS FACT. We are aware an independent person did stand and used their beach as their campaign but they were not in any way affiliated or supported by this HBC group.

If anyone reads this online please report it to us via our email address.


: Hoylake Beach Community, is a voluntary group who since the formation in October 2021, have been asking WBC for a compromise that will suit all. Hoylake Beach Community are not affiliated with any other group. HBC only use two forms of online communication. This website and a Facebook group which anyone is welcome to request to join. Search Hoylake Beach Community. HBC do not use any other social media.

We are not asking for the whole beach, just the section from Kings Gap to the RNLI station, with the rest being left to the grasses. We do not support chemicals, only raking.

SIGN the petition Click Here

DONATE Justgiving account which allows us to continue Click Here

SHARE help our cause by sharing on social media - links below.

WRITE email / write to non- supporting councillors, Lib Dem, Green and

Independent Councillors. Councillor contact details on the below link:

Thank you! Remember, genuine supporters of a compromise for Hoylake Beach to be restored to sand should join our Facebook group. Search: Hoylake Beach Community.


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