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Writer's picture: Hoylake Beach CommunityHoylake Beach Community

Its been brought to our attention that a pro salt marsh (grass) group are posting online that an agreement has been made with us, Hoylake Beach Community. Apparently, a compromise has been agreed to reinstate a sandy area of Hoylake Beach.

For the sake of clarity - this is categorically not true, no one has approached our group to even enter into initial discussions, never mind made an agreement with us.

This is misleading and only serves to add more confusion and upset in our community, but this seems to be this particular groups modus operandi.

The decision makers regarding Hoylake beach and how it is managed are WBC and specifically the Environment, Climate & Emergency Committee.

At the end of the day, we know that the majority of residents want their beach returned to sand and no amount of celebrity endorsement for a salt marsh will change their minds.

The small minority of people who are pushing for the salt marsh (grass) know this and this is why they shout so loud with their 'hunting pack' mentality online. People in the community have already made their minds up about what they want and to be honest are fed up with the constant harassment from them.

We know that a fully sandy beach is not going to happen - the environmental changes globally means that our approach for a compromise is the most suitable solution. It takes into account the needs for wildlife and humans to be able to thrive.

IMAGINE, Hoylake; A lovely place which has something for everyone. Sandy picnic areas and places to run, play, walk and breathe in fresh air, alongside areas for nature and wildlife enthusiasts to explore.

Lets get on with our lives. I for one have had enough of the online bullies & trolls, they bombard vicious comments on anyone who posts anything opposing their views.

We can't change pro grass supporters minds and they can't change amenity beach supporters minds.

Lets agree to disagree and work on a compromise to suit everyone? After all, someone has suggested its already happened!!

The above, from a few years ago - below more recently.


: Hoylake Beach Community, is a voluntary group who have been asking WBC since the formation in October 2021 for a compromise that will suit all. The community group are campaigning for the restoration of PART* of the beach for recreation & relaxation with the remaining part being left to re-wild for nature and wildlife. *The section along North Parade from Kings Gap to the New RNLI station. Hoylake Beach Community are not affiliated with any other group. HBC only use two forms of online communication. This website and a Facebook group which anyone is welcome to request to join. Search Hoylake Beach Community. HBC do not use any other social media. - We have a petition of over 13,300 signatures Click Here to sign - And a Justgiving account which allows us to continue with our cause Click Here to donate If you like what you've read, please help our cause by sharing on social media - links below. If you can, please email / write to non- supporting councillors, Lib Dem, Green and Independent Councillors. Councillor contact details on the below link: Thank you!


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